At the end of February, a round table was held on the implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis against HIV (PrEP) in Tajikistan. Our LGBT health coordinator Nikolay Lunchenkov took part in the seminar.
During the event, participants discussed the implementation of PrEP in the country, World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations on PrEP service delivery, and also examined the goals that will help to implement PrEP in Tajikistan.
ECOM expert, Dr. Nikolay Lunchenkov reviewed the PrEP protocol in Tajikistan for its compliance with WHO recommendations and presented the results of the protocol analysis at the meeting.

Taking into account Nikolay Lunchenkov's experience in implementing and supporting PrEP programs in the EECA region, he was able to put together key recommendations that will help implement PrEP in Tajikistan. For this, it is necessary to:
- consider the possibility of testing for hepatitis C before or within the first three months of starting PrEP;
- consider the possibility of implementing rapid diagnostic tests for HIV, syphilis (as well as dual tests for HIV and syphilis) to simplify service delivery and reduce the number of necessary visits.
- consider the possibility of canceling the requirement for hepatitis B testing prior to starting PrEP;
- provide the opportunity for screening and testing for STIs (syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea) before and after starting PrEP;
- consider the possibility of aligning the duration of PrEP discontinuation with WHO recommendations.
This meeting was useful for the future implementation of PrEP in Tajikistan. During the discussion, the importance of working with healthcare professionals to reduce stigma against PrEP users and the LGBT community was mentioned. In addition, the roundtable participants outlined joint plans on how to promote PrEP and educate community members on this prevention method.
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