
New Chair of ECOM's Steering Committee Elected

Февраль 21, 2017
Логотип ECOM для новостей
New Chair of ECOM's Steering Committee Elected
On 20 February 2017, Oleg Eremin has been elected as Chair of ECOM's Steering Committee (SC).

Oleg has been involved in the HIV response since 1997; he has many years of experience in HIV governance and coordination:  since 2008, he leads the Belarusian National Network of AIDS Service Organizations.

Oleg commented his election as follows: "Today, ECOM is at a new stage in its development. My role as the SC Chair is to ensure the full participation of each member of the Steering Committee in decision making, constant communication and rapid response from SC members. I hope my experience in HIV response coordination."

The full list of the Steering Committee is available here


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