
"Our love is real" photo project was presented in Erevan

Июнь 15, 2017
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"Our love is real" photo project was presented in Erevan
"Our Love Is Real" – on that name in Erevan was presented a photo project by "Right Side" NGO. It’s shows the equality of people regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

Society had opposed view on fact, that members of the LGBT community could be in places that are considered to be national treasures, - said creators of the photo project. They think that LGBTIQ representatives desecrate these places.

Photo project "Our Love Is Real", organized by "Right Side NGO", tried to convey that transgender, homosexual, androgynous and other non-binary people are not somewhere far away, but nearby, in Armenia. They became the main heroes of the photos in the background of the picturesque regions of Armenia: as the Matenadaran, Republic Square, Complex after Karen Demirchyan the Opera House, the pagan temple of Garni, Grigor Lusavorich Church, Zvartnots Temple and Cascadand other places.

"To show the public that, despite the sexual orientation and gender identity of a person, everyone is equal, and everyone can love each other, the main goal of our project" - the organizers of the photo exhibition said.

More information about project you can find at "Right Side NGO" web-site.


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