
PINK Armenia’s 7 years activities

Декабрь 22, 2015
Логотип ECOM для новостей
PINK Armenia’s 7 years activities
December 14, 2015 marked the 8 year anniversary of the founding of “Public Information and Need of Knowledge” NGO, ECOM's member. Due to the dedicated work of the organization’s interdisciplinary team of professional staff the organization have succeeded to grow from a young and newly formed organization into respective organization in the sphere of human rights protection in Armenia.

On the occasion of the organization’s anniversary PINK is presenting you the activity report of “Public Information and Need of Knowledge” NGO for the past seven year (2007-2014), which is offering a comprehensive insight into activity directions of the organization, projects implemented and their results.

This report summarizes the organization’s path, as well as briefly presents the history of the organization, the projects implemented over the past seven years, the board and staff of the organization. In this report the NGO also summarizes the sources of funding of all years and the amounts given to the organization.

The report in English can be found here.


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