
Call for proposals to receive small grants for community-led monitoring of service quality and satisfaction

Май 21, 2019
Логотип ECOM для новостей
The Eurasian Regional Consortium invites you to fill in forms to take part in the call for proposals to receive small grants for community-led monitoring of service quality and satisfaction.

The call for proposals and the workshop to develop the skills and knowledge in monitoring of service quality and satisfaction are organized with financial support of the Robert Carr civil society Networks Fund (RCNF) within the project  “Thinking outside the box: overcoming challenges in community advocacy for sustainable and high-quality HIV services”.

The Eurasian Regional Consortium joins the efforts of the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM), the Eurasian Women’s AIDS Network (EWNA) and the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (EHRA) to effectively address the lack of financial sustainability in prevention, treatment, care and support programs for the key populations vulnerable in terms of their rights violation and the risk of HIV.

Activities of the Eurasian Regional Consortium within the Project: Learning cycles of the Project implemented by the Eurasian Regional Consortium are composed of five interlinked thematic areas: Organizational sustainability; Building broader coalitions for budget advocacy; Community-led advocacy for comprehensive quality standards for HIV services based on national needs and international recommendations; Budget monitoring and accountability and Community-led monitoring of quality of services.

1. Within the Project component “Community-led monitoring of quality of services”, the Eurasian Regional Consortium 1) organizes a workshop, and among the workshop participants 2) initiates a call for proposals for small grants to conduct research studies.

  • The workshop for community-led organizations is organized to provide the tools and develop the skills to conduct community-led monitoring of service quality and satisfaction. During the workshop, research developers and practitioners will share their expertise and train the participants how to use the following monitoring tools:
  • “Secret client”, adapted for assessing government services by the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health
  • “Access to sexual and reproductive health services”, developed by the Eurasian Women’s AIDS Network
  • “Community-led monitoring of the satisfaction with OST programs”, developed at the request of the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association.

Quotas. The expected total number of workshop participants is 18 people, with equal quotas for each community:

  • 6 people representing the community of people who use drugs/OST participants
  • 6 people representing the community of gay/bisexual men/trans people
  • 6 people representing the community of women living with HIV and vulnerable to HIV

Working languages of the workshop: Russian and English.

2. The call for proposals for small grants will be initiated among the workshop participants.

The goal of the call for proposals: ensure practical use of the acquired skills for the community-led monitoring of service quality and satisfaction. Six grants will be awarded. The total budget of the call for proposals is USD 35,000, with the maximum amount of one grant being USD 5,800. 

Quotas.  The following quotas are set forth for each of the communities:

– 2 grants for the community of people who use drugs/OST participants;

– 2 grants for the community of women living with HIV and vulnerable to HIV;

– 2 grants for the community of gay/bisexual men/trans people.

Criteria to select grant recipients:

  • The group/organization is delegated by, accountable to and led by one of three above-mentioned communities.
  • The group/organization has an experience of organizing/participating in research studies.
  • The group/organization has an experience of advocacy through the government decision-making mechanisms.
  • The group/organization operates in one of 16 countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine or Uzbekistan.
  • The applicant presents a clear and specific plan/budget describing the use of grant funds as per the goals of the call for proposals.

! All other things being equal, preference will be given to the groups/organizations, which are active members of EHRA, ECOM and EWNA.

Each proposal will be considered by secretariats of the organizations, which are members of the Eurasian Regional Consortium, and the decision on composition of the workshop participants will be taken considering the agreed quotas.

If you meet the above-mentioned criteria, please fill in the form to confirm your intention to conduct community-led monitoring of service quality and satisfaction. 

Deadline. The proposals will be accepted by 23:59 on May 29, 2019 (Vilnius time).

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