
ECOM identified focus areas for the next five years: advocacy, leadership and partnership

Июнь 22, 2017
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Eurasian Coalition on Male Health adopted a strategic plan for the 2017-2021 period of activity.

ECOM' new strategic planning has been conducted in a crucial time when the HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) region continues rapidly growing. Recent studies have shown that there is a steady increase in the proportion of MSM in the general number of people living with HIV. Unfortunately, there are no epidemiological data for trans* people in the region. At the same time, international funding for HIV response in the region is being scaled down with transition to national public finances.

ECOM has reached an important step in its development. As we elaborated a new Strategic Plan, I would like to congratulate all ECOM members and all our partners on this occasion. This is a serious and quite ambitious plan, but we believe in it. We have set important targets to identify and support new leaders, build capacity of community organizations and facilitate understanding among key partners and donors of the need to fund programs for MSM and trans* people, help build trust among our focal groups toward preventive programs and enhance individual and professional capacities — pointed out Oleg Yeryomin, ECOM Steering Committee Chair.

The Steering Committee Chair thanked its members, the secretariat and strategic planning facilitators Raminta Stuikyte and Denis Kamaldinov for a clear and pragmatic ideas for the plan.

While ECOM ‘s first Strategic Plan was developed with a view to strengthening institutional development of the coalition, the new Strategic Plan has been shaped to enhance our activity externally, — stated Vitaly Djuma ECOM Executive Director. — Advocacy, activism and partnership are the cornerstones of our development for the next 5 years. By sticking to them, we hope to influence the response on growing HIV epidemic among gay men and other MSM, and trans* people in our region.

The new strategic plan has reconfirmed ECOM’s mission: to unite the efforts of stakeholders in Eastern Europe and Central Asia at regional level to create favorable conditions for all gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, and all trans* people to have access to evidence-based and human rights-oriented health services including HIV prevention and treatment.

ECOM’s goal for the next 5 years has been formulated around advocacy, leadership and partnership to sustain programs in health care and HIV prevention among MSM and trans* people in the EECA region.

ECOM’s key objectives for the forthcoming period include: to promote activism, leadership and community mobilization; to ensure recognition of MSM and trans* people agenda at various levels of decision-making and allocation of funding under HIV programs; to facilitate development of legal and social environment supportive of right to health care; to build the capacity of the Coalition.

Oleg Yeryomin, ECOM Steering Committee Chair noted: "Having received the draft Strategic Plan, an ECOM member said: "The draft plan is just great, so you cannot really make it any better". I would like to wish all ECOM members fruitful participation in implementation of the strategic plan, which means self-development, because this is a Strategic Plan for every participant of our Coalition".


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