
ECOM launches a unique online survey on internalized homophobia in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Август 23, 2017
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ECOM launches a unique online survey on internalized homophobia in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Issues of internalized homophobia and its impact on health and lives of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in 13 countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) will be reviewed in a new survey by the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM).

The survey is intended to look into links between internalized homophobia and health-related behavior of gay men and other MSM: their safe sex behavior, condom usage, HIV testing and use of NGO services. The survey is unique for the region, as it covers 13 countries (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, and Ukraine), which differ culturally, socio-politically and legislatively.

Popular social networks, such as Hornet and, as well as NGOs working on health for MSM, LGBT organizations, and other groups are among the partners of the online survey.

To participate, please fill in a questionnaire, translated into local languages.

In order to assist in the survey, please post one or several banners with survey link on your site or page. Banners in Russian are available below. For banners translated into local languages of CEECA countries please follow the link.

Deadline for the survey - September 15, 2017


* Internalized homophobia is negative attitude to one’s homosexuality that leads to psychological and social problems.




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