
The Dialogue of Transgender Community from EECA countries was Held in Kiev

Декабрь 30, 2015
Логотип ECOM для новостей
The Dialogue of Transgender Community from EECA countries was Held in Kiev
The Dialogue of representatives of the transgender community from Eastern Europe and Central Asia was held on 16 and 17 December 2015 in Kiev, which was attended by almost 30 representatives of the transgender community from 9 countries of EECA: Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Belarus, Tajikistan, Georgia and Azerbaijan.  

The participants exchanged experiences and discussed the priorities of the transgender community's capacity building in relation to transgender people health issues, including those involved in the provision of sexual services in the context of HIV and STI epidemics.

Many participants of the Dialogue noted an acute shortage of comprehensive data on HIV prevalence among transgender people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The participants developed and later approved Dialogue's Resolution.

The meeting was organized by the HPLGBT with support provided by the Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM).


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