
Nothing Without Us: web tool and information note to assess and monitor implementation of transition and sustainability plan in Georgia

Сентябрь 29, 2017
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Nothing Without Us: web tool and information note to assess and  monitor implementation of transition and sustainability plan in Georgia
On behalf of ECOM and EAHRA (formerly EHRN) we would like to provide you with the final version of the  Information note for the communities and civil society activists on Transition and Sustainability Plan (TSP) in Georgia. 

In addition to the final document, we are proud do present the innovative WEB tool of the document in English and in Georgian.

This tool and document present activities from the TSP that are highly important for key affected populations (KAPs); it also provides information about the implementation timeline, responsible parties, monitoring indicators, and the budget. This document summarizes information in the TSP in a more user-friendly format to help communities and CSOs better understand their roles in the implementation of the plan.

The information note is based on interviews with key stakeholders and parties involved in the development of the transition plan in Georgia as well as on the analysis of TSP, National Strategic Plans on HIV and TB and other documents pertaining to the transition. The document provides recommendations for CBOs and CSOs to effectively influence the formation, implementation, and monitoring of the national HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis response in Georgia.

The information note was developed together by ECOM and EAHRA within the framework of Community, Rights & Gender Technical Assistance (CRG TA) Program supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Web tool was funded through technical assistance within ECOM’s Right to Health program, also funded by the Global Fund.

ECOM is planning to replicate this process in other countries that are preparing for or are in the process of transitioning funding of HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis national responses from Global Fund to domestic funding. If you find this tool helpful, please let us know and we will engage in discussions how to increase meaningful participation of community and civil society organizations in the processes of transition in relevant countries through adapting this tool to your country context and community needs.

The  Information note for the communities and civil society activists on Transition and Sustainability Plan (TSP) in Georgia


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