
Test. Treat. Prevent.

Ноябрь 02, 2017
Логотип ECOM для новостей

The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health Supports European HIV and Hepatitis Testing Week!  We encourage all ECOM members and partners to join the Testing Week and support testing activities in their countries!

- Distribute information on the Testing Week.

- Inform your members, employees, clients and partners on why HIV and hepatitis testing is important!

- Develop and conduct public events for making your community aware on how the testing is important for sexual health protection. Join testing events conducting by your partner organizations.

Testing week is an initiative that was launched by HIV in Europe in 2013 to help more people to become aware of their HIV status. Now in its fifth year and the third time hepatitis testing has been included, European HIV-Hepatitis Testing Week will take place from 17-24 November 2017.

European HIV-Hepatitis Testing Week offers partners across Europe the opportunity to unite to increase awareness of the benefits of HIV and hepatitis testing among those who are at risk. In 2016, more than 500 organizations from across 53 countries took part in testing week and thousands more people are now aware of their HIV and hepatitis status. Through united efforts, we hope that testing week 2017 is an even greater success.

The ultimate goal of European HIV-Hepatitis Testing Week is to make more people aware of their HIV and/ or hepatitis status and reduce late diagnosis by communicating the benefits of testing. The theme for this year’s testing week is Test. Treat. Prevent., with the aim of supporting ongoing dialogue between all partners in the HIV and hepatitis communities, in order to:

Encourage people who could be at risk of HIV or hepatitis to get a test
Encourage healthcare professionals to offer an HIV or hepatitis test as part of routine care in specific settings and conditions (in line with present European guidelines)
Support and unite community organisations to scale up access to HIV and hepatitis testing as far as possible and share lessons learned between countries
Make more government bodies aware of the individual, societal and economic benefits of HIV and hepatitis testing initiatives and how to evaluate testing practices.


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