
Uluk Batyrgaliev Elected as Member of Global Fund Youth Council

Октябрь 07, 2024
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The Global Fund has announced new members of the Youth Council, and we are pleased to announce that our Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) Coordinator, Uluk Batyrgaliyev, is among them.

The Youth Council, established in January 2020 by Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands, brings together active young people affected by or vulnerable to HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria. The Council provides advisory support to the Global Fund Executive Director and Secretariat on issues related to young people and adolescents, helping to take their unique needs and perspectives into account to maximize the impact of the Fund’s investments.

The selection for the Youth Council was conducted on a competitive basis, with nearly 1,600 applications submitted for council membership. In the end, eight outstanding candidates were selected, representing various countries and regions of the world. Uluk Batyrgaliev was one of these candidates, and now he will represent Kyrgyzstan and the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in the council.

“Participation in the Youth Council is an opportunity for our region to actively promote the voice of LGBTIQ youth and other key populations in decision-making processes at the level of the Global Fund Secretariat and Board. It's essential to understand the importance of involving young people, starting with the CCMs (Country Coordinating Mechanisms for the fight against HIV) and ending with the Global Fund Board, because without this voice, hundreds of thousands of adolescents and young people may remain out of sight in decision-making,” Uluk Batyrgaliev commented on his appointment.

Uluk is an activist in the area of sexual and reproductive health and human rights who also serves as Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and is a member of the Expert Committee of the Laboratory for Women’s Rights Online with the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France.

We are proud that our colleague will represent the youth of the EECA region in such an important body, and we are confident that his experience and knowledge will help strengthen the position of young people in the global fight against HIV, tuberculosis, and malaria.


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