
Sona Orbelian Has Become the New Member of ECOM’s Secretariat

Октябрь 03, 2018
Логотип ECOM для новостей
ECOM Secretariat  is glad to announce that, from October 2018, Sona Orbelian has joined our team as the new Technical Support and Sub-recipients Coordinator.

Since 2006, Sona has been engaging with diverse projects related to HIV-prevention among the key population groups (MSM, PUD, sex workers) in Armenia. The main areas of her work included potential development, technical support of sub-recipient organisations, as well as monitoring and evaluation of HIV-prevention projects. Among others, Sona earned a Master’s degree in healthcare at a state university in New York, USA.

At ECOM, Sona Orbelian will be responsible for the development and implementation of technical support programs for ECOM Sub-recipients and partners, also he will serve as the main contact person in the management and in ECOM’s communication with Sub-recipients.

You may contact Sona via email at


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