
Working Meeting Held in Yerevan with National Partners of the “Trans* Map in EECA” Project

Логотип ECOM для новостей
In early August, as part of the “Trans* Map in EECA” project, which is being implemented by ECOM, a working meeting with project members was held in Yerevan. This is the first meeting bringing together all 14 representatives of the national project partners from Eastern Europe and Central Asia: “New Generation” (Armenia), “Temida” (Georgia), “Kyrgyz Indigo” (Kyrgyzstan), “Cohort” and “Convictus” (Ukraine).

The aim of the training was to increase the effectiveness of the project by improving communication between country team members, and by providing practical knowledge on the TRANSIT and on involvement in decision-making bodies.

During the meeting, the partners were able not only to get to know each other in person and discuss the work of the project in different countries, but also to share with colleagues the difficulties that activists face and talk about their achievements within the framework of the project. The participants also discussed further work plans, and any changes that have taken place since the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine.

In addition, ECOM held a “Training for trainers on the TRANSIT and decision-making bodies” for the participants of the event. The TRANSIT is an international tool helping to more effectively implement HIV prevention programs among trans* people. During the training, the participants learned what chapters the TRANSIT consists of and what information they contain. They also learned the answers to what questions can be found in the TRANSIT.

The purpose of the training on decision-making bodies was to determine and understand how human rights defenders can influence decision-making in their countries, what needs to be done for this, and how to join the Country Coordinating Mechanism on HIV (CCM). During the training, the participants were able to see in practice the opportunities that they have and how to implement them. They prepared and submitted their agendas for joining the CCM as representatives of the trans* community, participated in debates, and held elections for CCM members.

This meeting, held offline, greatly inspired the national partners of the “Trans* Map in EECA” project to further improve their joint work, help and support each other along the way, and put into practice the skills they acquired.


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