
ECOM Position. On the adoption of anti-LGBT legislation in Georgia

Сентябрь 19, 2024
Логотип ECOM для новостей
On 17 September 2024, the Parliament of Georgia adopted in the third reading the package of laws “On Family Values and Protection of Minors”, aimed against its LGBT citizens, amending 18 different laws. Georgia’s President Salome Zurabishvili did not say whether she would veto it, but according to Georgia’s legislation, a parliamentary majority will be able to override a presidential veto, as it was the case with the law “On Transparency of Foreign Influence”.

The European Union, to which Georgia is a candidate for membership, criticized the package of documents, expressing concern that the law will promote discrimination. The EU also expressed regret that the laws were considered without due public consultations and a thorough analysis of its compliance with international standards. The Venice Commission also noted violations of procedures in initiating legislation bills such as that not a single state, non-state or international organization/institution, expert or working group had participated in the drafting process. 

The adoption of the laws will certainly worsen the situation of the entire LGBT community, its families and friends, and will have a particularly negative impact on transgender people. If the law comes into force, transgender people will lose the opportunity to undergo gender-affirming medical procedures that might be necessary in transition, and criminal liability will be provided for carrying out such procedures.

Although the legislation of Georgia, including its Constitution, already defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman, the package of bills separately includes a ban on same-sex marriage. Moreover, the bill also introduces a new definition that only couples consisting of a “genetic” man and a “genetic” woman can marry, which deprives transgender people who already changed their gender marker, of the opportunity to create a family. The bill also bans adoption by LGBT people.

Among other things, the law prohibits the “popularization” of transgenderism and same-sex relationships. It will be prohibited to provide minors with access to objective information about LGBT people. This may have a negative impact on HIV prevention programs among LGBT people. 
We are already seeing that the fueled atmosphere of hatred is leading to an increase in public violence against the LGBT community in Georgia.

We express our deepest condolences to the relatives and friends of Kesaria Abramidze on her brutal murder.

ECOM would like to state: 

  • ECOM expresses support and solidarity with the LGBT community in Georgia;
  • ECOM calls on Georgia’s President Salome Zurabishvili to veto the package of bills “On Family Values and the Protection of Minors”;
  • ECOM demands that the Georgia authorities protect representatives of the LGBT community, promptly investigate the facts of threats, violence and murders, and provide full justice;
  • ECOM calls on Georgia’s international partners to use all available diplomatic and legal means to help protect democratic principles and human rights in the country;
  • ECOM calls on the international community to demonstrate unequivocal support for the LGBT community of Georgia.


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