
The World Health Organisation is set to declassify transgender identity as a mental disorder

Июнь 19, 2018
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The World Health Organisation is set to declassify transgender identity as a mental disorder
World Health Organization has completed a review of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, namely the 11th revision of it (ICD 11) and has published an official online version of it. Gender incongruence has been moved out of mental disorders in the ICD.

New edition of the ICD 11 has been published on June 18th 2018. According to the new document, all conditions related to transgender people have been removed from the section of mental and behavioural disorders. In ICD 11, the new section on sexual health has been introduced and covers conditions previously categorized in other sections (e.g. gender incongruence was listed under mental disorders).

WHO explained this move by two major factors: There is more evidence that suggest that issues pertaining to transgender can no longer be regarded as disorders of mental system and it is more related to sexual health issues; and leaving it in the same chapter would farther stigmatize trans community.

The present edition of ICD is preliminary and demonstrational enabling countries to adjust their national plans for utilizing new edition, prepare its translation to national languages and train medical staff for applying it. This version of ICD will be presented for endorsement at the World Health Assembly in 2019 and will become effective as of January 1, 2022.

ICD serves as a basis for tracking trends and keeping statistics in healthcare globally and contains around 55 000 unique codes for trauma, diseases and causes of death. Thanks to this instrument, world’s healthcare professionals are able to exchange information on health issues in a common professional language.


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