
Russia suspends implementation of ICD-11: a threat to healthcare and the rights of the trans community

Февраль 05, 2024
Логотип ECOM для новостей
On January 30, the government of the Russian Federation issued a decree suspending the implementation of the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 11th Revision (ICD-11). “The contradiction of ICD-11 with traditional moral and spiritual values, which are protected by law” was cited as the reason for this decision.

ICD-11 is a standardized international classification of diseases and health conditions developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). In the context of issues related to transgenderness, ICD-11 aims to avoid pathologization and provide a more balanced and safe approach to describing various aspects of human health, including gender identity.

ECOM — The Eurasian Coalition on Health, Rights, Gender and Sexuality Diversity (ECOM) condemns this decision of the Russian government, and believes that it is another step in the repression of trans people in the Russian Federation.

Stopping the implementation of ICD-11 is another step in the consistent rejection of evidence-based medicine in Russia, which will negatively affect the quality of healthcare and services to the population. A lack of clear standards and terminology in medical records can create confusion and increase the risk of discrimination in healthcare. There may be increased misunderstanding or negative attitudes on the part of medical staff, which transgender people already deal with.

ECOM expresses full solidarity with the transgender community in Russia. Equal rights, safety and respect for human dignity should be fundamental principles in medical practice and in society at large.

We encourage all countries in the WHO European Region and the World Health Organization itself to continue to actively implement ICD-11, which will help combat stereotypes and fight discrimination in healthcare. This not only promotes fairer and more equitable healthcare, but also reflects a commitment to upholding standards of medical ethics.

We believe that the use of ICD-11, particularly in the context of transgender issues, contributes to ensuring inclusive and fair healthcare, based on respect for human rights and equality.


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