
Not Active: Monitoring and Evaluation Database Development

Ноябрь 04, 2016
Логотип ECOM для новостей

Not Active

Terms of References

Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) is soliciting proposals from individual consultant(s) or firms to develop a monitoring and evaluation database (hereafter, the MED) in a suitable software to enable real-time tracking and reporting of programs being implementing by ECOM.


Eurasian Coalition on Male Health is an international non-governmental association, located in Tallinn, Estonia. We are a membership-based association, open for non-profits and individuals, acting in the field of sexual health, including HIV issues, for men who have sex with men and trans* people, in the region of Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA). Currently, the network is made up of 57 members from 13 countries, ranging from Latvia to Kyrgyzstan.


We aim to create favourable conditions to ensure that men who have sexual relations with other men and transgender people have access to services in the field of sexual and reproductive health, mainly to HIV prevention, treatment, care and support, based on respect for their human rights.

Description of Services required and Timelines

ECOM is seeking expert assistance to design a monitoring and evaluation database (the MED) to manage large amounts of data captured through projects’ monitoring and evaluation so that all routine projects data can be stored in and accessed by ECOM’s employees.

The goal for implementation of MED is to streamline results-based management, monitoring, and evaluation of programs implemented by ECOM. We expect that the system to be developed will help ECOM to easily capture, track, manage and report on interventions conducted using performance indicator data, and deliver more impact to those in need.

Implementation of database in programmatic routine enables to improve ECOM’s effectiveness, timeliness and accuracy of results management from start to finish of each program. It enables the program staff quickly and securely capture performance data. We plan that the system will allow us to generate real-time overviews of project performance, or drill down for advanced evaluations using analytical charts, dashboards, and other analytical tools as well as to sort result data by any combination variables, such as sector, region, or budget for program impact evaluations.

It is expected that the system to contain unified database of reporting forms (to be supplied to ECOM’s grantees, consultants (forms for facilitator report, event evaluation form / participant evaluation form, etc.), forms to be used within monitoring and evaluation exercises and during execution of oversight activities. This unified approach in monitoring and evaluation of all activities implemented by ECOM provides credible and reliable information on progress and results achieved by ECOM toward accomplishment of its goal in improving health and protecting human / civil rights of MSM and trans* people.

Results achieved within the implementation of each programs will be measured using unified M&E Framework and key performance indicators (KPIs). Baseline assessment results as well as targets for activities, envisaged outputs, outcomes and impacts should be uploaded to the system that significantly simplifies tracking progress toward those goals for program staff, ECOM’s management and donors which increases transparency and accountability. For more details please see Appendix A.

ECOM will provide the successful consultant with the following:

  • A detailed list of required indicators, as well as the required levels of aggregation and disaggregation required for reporting;
  • All required information on the implementing projects / programs including country profiles, systems/requirements for data collection and data flow (what is collected by who, when and where does it go) and other relevant information for development of the MED;
  • All M&E related documentation;
  • Sample report outlines to demonstrate what reports should be produced from the system and at what time interval to ensure that the database meets the needs of the ECOM’s donors and stakeholders;
  • Prompt feedback on the design and draft of the MED;
  • Other information required by the consultant as per their request.

The consultant(s) would be requested to work in close collaboration with ECOM staff, specifically the Programs Director, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator and Communications Officer to perform the services outlined below.

1. Design, develop and test the MED

Prepare a detailed design for a MED for data entry, storage, and report generation in collaboration with key ECOM staff:

  • Review ECOM’s Monitoring and Evaluation Framework including indicators and type of information to be gathered, data collection tools, timelines, data flow and reporting requirements;
  • Consult with key ECOM staff to ensure that all data management needs are addressed in the MED design;
  • Prepare design document that outlines in detail the design of the MED system;
  • Develop a first full draft of a flexible MED for review and testing;
  • Create data entry / capturing tables and forms based on core ECOM monitoring and evaluation tools and indicators, including web-based data entries according to Appendix B;
  • Establish relations between key tables to optimize the information for decision-making;
  • Design a series of data quality assurance / control mechanisms, including flags and „rules” and minimize the need to collect and enter duplicate data;
  • Design and generate reports from the database (including analytical charts, dashboards, and other analytical tools), with options to select what fields and what time period the report covers (monthly, quarterly and annual) and what scope (all projects / program, one county / region, network partners / donors, activities / interventions, etc;
  • Create simple automated mechanisms to export key data or customized reports to table processor (like MS Excel or OpenOffice Calc) for additional analysis;
  • Design a series of common basic queries that staff can easily run;
  • Facilitate feedback / planning (up to 2 days) and training workshop (up to 3 days) for ECOM staff (including managers involved in program implementation and junior staff) on how to use the database and how to make basic modifications to report functions and tables.
  • Provide the opportunity for key ECOM staff to feedback into the design and components of the draft version.

2. Train ECOM Staff on how to use the System

Conduct post training session with ECOM staff to ensure transfer of key knowledge in the maintenance, adjustment, expansion and troubleshooting of MED. At the end of the workshop, ECOM staff should be able to:

  • Understand the importance and benefits of the database to their program and ECOM;
  • Accurately enter data into MED;
  • Understand the management and flow of data;
  • Design and generate reports / review / analysis from the database;
  • Add new fields to existing tables;
  • Create and link new tables;
  • Run basic and advanced queries;
  • Export data to a table processor for additional analysis and graph preparation.

Debriefing should include:

  • Review of flagged items / adjustments needed to database as observed during training;
  • Trainings on how to conduct basic database troubleshooting;
  • Review on how to add new fields or modify database tables and queries;
  • Review on how to create new tables and reports to accommodate new data collection tools and reporting requirements;
  • Review of any other outstanding questions / concerns.

3. Provide initial follow-up support for the implementation, maintenance, expansion and troubleshooting of MED

Provide ongoing 2 months’ remote support to ECOM personnel in the implementation, maintenance, expansion and troubleshooting of MED, including but not limited to:

  • Assistance in resolving any problems with data entry or management and reporting from existing tables;
  • Assisting staff to add new fields or modify data tables and queries;
  • Creating new tables and reports to accommodate new data collection tools and reporting requirements;
  • Run advanced queries together with staff according to need;
  • Assist in specific trouble shooting needs.


  1. Preliminary MED design overview in a text processor format (due at an agreed upon date after consulting key ECOM personnel and reviewing provided materials and information).
  2. First draft MED for review and testing – should be ready upon arrival in Tallinn, Estonia.
  3. Facilitation of 2-day feedback / planning session with key advisory and management staff.
  4. Revision of database and incorporation of needed changes.
  5. Final MED that addresses ECOM feedback.
  6. Facilitation of 3-day training of project managers, officers and junior staff on the management and use of MED.
  7. Facilitation of 1-day de-brief session with key advisory and management staff.
  8. On-going remote support in the implementation, management, expansion and troubleshooting of the MED.

Budget and Contract

Budget allocation will cover the cost for developing MED within the period from 1 December 2016 until 28 February 2017 (30 working days maximum).

Duration of the contactor’s involvement in providing ongoing support for the implementation, maintenance, expansion and troubleshooting of MED will be discussed within the period of MED installation and piloting.

Consultant(s) Qualifications

The consultant, either as an individual or group of individuals or a company, must demonstrate the following qualifications:


  • Higher than bachelor’s degree / qualifications in computer sciences or IT;
  • At least 7 years’ experience in database development and maintenance, preferable in public health;
  • Ability to train and support staff to maintain and optimize data management;
  • Skilled user of Structured Query Language (SQL), HTML, Delphi/Pascal, R, 1C programming;
  • Capacity to develop web-based data entry, management and reporting systems.
  • Able to communicate effectively in Russian or English.
  • Previous work experience with NGOs and private business is an advantage;


Languages: Fluency in Russian or English.

Requirements from Consultant(s)

This consultancy is a maximum of 30 working days and will be awarded to the her or him that offers a proposal that demonstrates the experience to develop a database to meet the organization’s needs at a competitive rate and timeline:

  • A summary of experience in the above-mentioned areas;
  • Curriculum Vitae of all staff proposed to work on this project (if more than one person is proposed);
  • Samples of databases / sample reports developed;
  • Estimated timeline and detailed budget.

Application Process

ECOM will consider applications from both individuals and teams. Applications shall clearly identify a team leader, who will be the sole responsible to deliver the outputs of the assignment.

Interested parties must submit their applications by email referenced under title Consultancy for MED development at

Deadline for submission: 13th November 2016 at 24:00 EET.

Applications should include:

  1. Cover Letter outlining your experience in conducting similar work along with your CV;
  2. Brief proposal (2 pages max.) outlining your methodology, design, timetable and budget.

Application materials are non-returnable, and we thank you in advance for understanding that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the next step in the application process.

For more information, prospective consultants may contact Maxim Kasianczuk at

The full ToR along with Appendixes can be found here:

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