
Call for Proposal: Collection of Best Practices on development and management of effective volunteer programs in EECA region

Ноябрь 13, 2017
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Call for Proposal: Collection of Best Practices on development and management of effective volunteer programs in EECA region


The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) is an association of organizations, groups and activists in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), advocating for improved access of men who have sex with men (MSM) and trans* people to evidence-based and human rights oriented services in the field of sexual and reproductive health, including HIV prevention, treatment, care and support.

ECOM unites the efforts of all stakeholders at cross-country level in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to create favorable conditions for all gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men and all trans* people to have access to evidence-based and human rights-oriented health services, including HIV prevention and treatment. You can find more information about ECOM at our website

Since 2017 ECOM implements the Regional Program “Right to Health”.

The goal of the program is to contribute to an increased uptake and retention across the continuum of HIV care for MSM and trans* people in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

One of the objectives of the regional program is to strengthen enabling environments for HIV services for MSM and trans* people, through fighting stigma and discrimination, promoting and protecting human rights, and removing legal and policy barriers. 

Within this objective it is planned to collect Best Practices on development and management of effective volunteer programs in EECA regions.


Tasks for consultant:

  1. To analyze data, received within the ECOM Baseline Assessment, in particular:

- national Legal Environment Assessments in 5 EECA countries (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Macedonia)

- analysis of community engagement in governance in 5 EECA countries (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia)

- Concept note of Regional Program “Right to Health”

  1. To develop framework on collection of Best Practices on the development and management of effective volunteer programs based on the collected best practices.
  2. To conduct Skype interviews with 5 main ECOM Subrecipients in 5 countries of EECA (Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia).
  3. If necessary, to conduct no more than 5 additional interviews with partner organizations of ECOM in the countries of the EECA region.
  4. To collect Best Practices on the development and management of effective volunteer programs in EECA region.
  5. To create a collection of Best Practices on the development and management of effective volunteer programs in EECA region.
  6. To design a position paper on the development and management of effective volunteer programs based on the collected best practices.

The main contact persons for the contractor will be ECOM’s Human Rights and Legal Issues Officer, Yuri Yoursky ( and M&E coordinator, Maxim Kasianczuk ( They will also conduct monitoring and make final assessment of work.



Timeframe of work

The work should be started no later than December 1, 2017 and completed by December 27, 2017.

The first draft of the framework on collection of best practices in Russian or English should be prepared and sent to ECOM no later than December 10, 2017.

Comments on the 1st draft will be provided within 5 working days by the representatives of ECOM secretariat.

The report on the work performed should be prepared and sent to ECOM no later than 5 working days after the end of the contract.


Specific tasks for consultant

  1. Framework on collection of Best Practices on development and management of effective volunteer programs in EECA region is prepared.
  2. Audio records (or scripts) of conducted interviews with ECOM partners are sent to ECOM.
  3. Collection of Best Practices is finalized under developed and approved by ECOM framework.
  4. Position paper on development and management of effective volunteer programs in EECA region is prepared, based on collected best practices.
  5. Consultant report: 1 - 2 pages (А-4, Times New Roman, Font size 11) is prepared.

The main contact person for the contractor will be ECOM’s Human Rights and Legal Issues Officer. Contact e-mail He will also conduct monitoring and make final assessment of work.


Reward and compensation

A service contract will be signed between the consultant and the EСOM, according to which ECOM will not be liable for the payment of any taxes by the consultant. The consultant does all the necessary taxes and other payments by the law of the country of his/her/their residence.

Period for performance should not exceed 10 days.


Requirements to the consultant:


  • Work experience with LGBT or HIV-service NGOs;
  • Relevant education no less than Master Degree;
  • Availability of publications on relevant topics;
  • Experience in providing technical assistance over the past 3 years;
  • Experience in managing volunteer programs;
  • Good command skills of English or Russian


  • Good command skills in one of the EECA languages (except Russian).



How to apply

ECOM will consider proposals from individuals and organizations.

Interested candidates are requested to send applications to: with the letterhead “ECOM collection of best practices”.

Deadline for submission: November 26, 2017 at 23:59 EET.

Only candidates who will meet the requirements presented in this announcement will be notified on the results of success of their applications.


Applications should include:

  • Information about company background or CV for individuals;
  • Brief proposal with budget (Euro);
  • No less than two previous publications on relevant topics (links or attached documents);


Applications may include:

  • Brief concept of the proposed framework on collection of Best Practices on development and management of effective volunteer programs in EECA region

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