
Webinar: ECOM Small Grants program 2018

Июнь 12, 2018
Логотип ECOM для новостей

Eurasian Coalition on Male Health (ECOM) has opened a Call for Proposals for LGBTQ community-based organizations and initiative groups to participate in the  Small Grants program under the regional program “Right to Health” with the financial support of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

For those willing to participate in this Call for Proposals a webinar will be conducted. During the webinar, consultations on the application process and the content of the Small Grants programme will be provided. The webinar will take place on 13 June 2018, 11:00 EET. If you would like to participate in the webinar, please inform ECOM Program Officer, Erika Tšerkašina

Link to join webinar:

More information about a Call:

Дата начала: Июнь 13, 2018

Дата окончания: Июнь 13, 2018


Yuri Yoursky
Human Rights and Legal Issues Officer

Erika Tserkasina
Program Officer

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