Today we are pleased to announce an important milestone regarding youth participation in health and human rights. ECOM has officially become part of the Youth4Health network, a network of youth organizations in the European Region of the World Health Organization (WHO).
The Youth4Health network plays an important role as a platform for collaboration with young people, ensuring their active participation and involvement in various areas of activity within the WHO European Region. This includes problem identification, policy development, policy implementation, evaluation and subsequent adherence to regional strategic plans and programs.
The goals of the Youth4Health network include:
  1. Discussing issues that affect young people.
  2. Increasing and strengthening interaction with young people in the WHO European Region to support the WHO Regional Office’s commitment to “leave no one behind”.
  3. Interacting with young people, enabling them to make a direct contribution to key issues of health and well-being, and to bring meaning to the work associated with the WHO Regional Office, including program work, operations, activities and participation in the WHO Regional Committee for Europe.
  4. Strengthening network connections and sharing knowledge among different interested parties, including youth organizations, individuals and representatives working on various health issues in the region, in order to facilitate and improve communication between participants and other interested parties.
  5. Communicating effectively about the work of the WHO Regional Office relating to youth, for example through social media, the Regional Office website and newsletters.

“ECOM joining the Youth4Health network is an important step towards strengthening youth influence on health and human rights. This event highlights the importance of engaging youth in the crucial issues that affect our community. This collaboration is expected to lead to more effective solutions and initiatives that improve the health and well-being of young people in the WHO European Region,” says Elena German, Capacity Building Coordinator at ECOM.

ECOM is one of the 6 youth organizations involved in the launch of the Youth4Health network. ECOM will be represented in Youth4Health by Uluk Batyrgaliev, Health Officer:

“Youth4Health is an initiative aimed at youth that will also be run by youth. We young people are a significant part of the world and we should have the right to participate in the process of developing programs and policies in the field of health. For ECOM, the importance of participating in this initiative is that thanks to it, the voices of LGBT youth from the EECA region will be heard and represented on this platform. I really hope that it will become a real platform where the real needs of young people in matters of SRHR (sexual and reproductive health and rights) will be taken into account, and appropriate programs will be developed based on them. I also hope that the WHO Regional Office will take more account of the communities’ voices.”