
Guidelines for Collection of Strategic Information on HIV among Gay Men and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men and Trans People in the CEECA Region

Год: 2018

Источник: ECOM


Given the factors mentioned above, it is extremely important to have reliable and well-analyzed strategic information on HIV among gay men and other MSM and trans people. During the last several years, a number of publications have been released in which strategic information (SI) on health and HIV have been examined (see reference list). In 2017, the first-ever “Assessment of Existing Strategic Information on HIV among MSM and Trans People in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Macedonia” was developed with the support of ECOM under its GFATM-funded regional program. In 2018, the same assessment was carried out in Estonia.

Based on a review of existing literature and the recent assessments conducted, it was decided to create these guidelines in order to combine and adapt all relevant information regarding SI on HIV among gay men and other MSM and trans people into one structural and compact document. The document will be useful for researchers, people involved in planning, implementing, and managing HIV programs, NGOs and community-based organizations working in the field of HIV prevention, as well as for community activists and LGBTQI advocates.
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