
Trans People Needs: Break the Wall of Invisibility!

Март 30, 2019
Логотип ECOM для новостей
ECOM is presenting the first review of epidemiological data on HIV epidemic among trans people.

As our desk research showed, the relevant reliable and uniformed evidence is extremely scarce. Integrated HIV Bio-behavioral Surveillance (IBBS) among trans people have been conducted in just four countries of the region. As all of them were done for the first time, there is not enough continuity to identify epidemiological trends.

Unfortunately, this confirms that the HIV related needs of trans people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are largely ignored.

As part of its “Right to Health” regional program, ECOM is building evidence base in relation to health and rights of gay men and other MSM, and trans of people in the region.

ECOM conducted number of studies which demonstrated that there is little to no information on trans people. Legal Environment study concluded that majority of countries lack regulations in relation to gender transition, gender recognition, health and other important aspect of trans peoples' everyday lives.

Community Participation Study showed that trans people are represented in national HIV decision making bodies only in two countries of the region. Despite being at extremely high risk of HIV infection, trans people are defined as a target group, separate to MSM, in national HIV/AIDS strategies in just 5 countries of the region.

The epidemiological review presented today and previous studies show that trans people and their needs continue to be invisible in the HIV response in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

ECOM's mission states that we work to create favorable conditions for all gay, bisexual and other MSM and all trans people to have access to evidence-based and human rights-oriented health services, including HIV prevention and treatment.

As a commitment to trans peoples' health and rights, ECOM is creating a trans people advisory group that will bring community experts' input in order to break the glass of invisibility.


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