
'Right to Health' Program Implementers Gathered for Induction Meeting

Март 21, 2017
Логотип ECOM для новостей
'Right to Health' Program Implementers Gathered for Induction Meeting
Strengthening the participation of communities of gay men and other MSM, and trans* people in HIV response, sustainability of prevention and treatment services, quality of data used in national program planning, human rights and sexual health of gay men, other MSM and trans* people in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia - these are the main themes of the regional program "Right to Health" which ECOM began implementing with financial support from the Global Fund.

ECOM's Secretariat implements the Program's activities at the regional level while national community organizations, Program's Sub-Recipients, take care of the Program implementation at national level in five target countries: Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Macedonia.

On March 14-16, 2017, representatives of eight LGBT and HIV service organizations from the five target countries and the ECOM secretariat staff met in Tallinn, Estonia, at the Program Implementers' Induction Meeting.

The participants exchanged new data on HIV and health of gays, other MSM and trans people in the target countries, including existing policies and services in countries and situation with related human rights.
Intensive discussions took place around work plans and principles of interaction between ECOM and Sub-Recipients, including reporting.

At the end of the meeting, grant agreements were signed between ECOM and the Program's Sub-Recipients.

The following non-governmental organizations are the implementers of the Regional Program "The Right to Health":

In the first year of the Regional Program, a number of studies will be conducted on HIV infection among gay men, other MSM and trans* people in the target countries, capacity of community organizations will be assessed, and technical support plans will be developed.

The data obtained will be used for developing national and regional advocacy plans and strategies aimed at protecting the rights and health of gay men, other MSM and trans* people.

Learn more about the Regional Program "Right to Health" here.


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