
Pride Month 2024: Celebrating Diversity and Fighting for LGBT Rights

Июнь 01, 2024
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Today, June 1st, marks the beginning of Pride Month, a time when LGBT people around the world celebrate their identity, dignity and inalienable human rights. The history of Pride Month dates back to the famous Stonewall riots of 1969 in New York City, an uprising that became a turning point in the LGBT rights movement. Every June, we pay tribute to those who bravely stood up against injustice and oppression.

For LGBT people in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) region, Pride Month has special significance. Despite the many challenges that we continue to face, this commemorative month continues to remind us of our resilience, community, and desire for true equality.

“When we begin to recognize our identity, we begin to believe. We believe in our pride and dignity, which no one can take away from us,” says Goga, a trans activist from Armenia, trans expert at the DiverCity NGO.

Why is Pride Month important?

Celebrating diversity: Pride Month provides an opportunity for members of the LGBT community to express their identities more openly and proudly. This is a time to recognize and celebrate the differences that make each and every one of us unique.

Raising awareness: The celebration draws attention to the problems that LGBT people face, such as discrimination, violence and social exclusion. Pride Month helps educate society and break down stereotypes and prejudices.

Activism and rights: June is also a time for activism and promotion of LGBT rights. This is a time to hold rallies, marches and other events aimed at promoting equality and justice.

“Pride is about being proud. I work so that the community can be proud of their country. My colleagues and I are building Ukraine as a country of open opportunities and civil equality. Sometimes our work continues not “thanks to”, but “in spite of”, but the final goal justifies the difficulties on the way,” says Sviatoslav Sheremet, Legislation Coordinator at the #LGBTI_PRO Consortium.

How can I support Pride Month?

Participate in events: Attend local or online events organized by LGBT organizations.

Raise awareness: Spread the word about LGBT rights on your social networks and among friends and family.

Support activists: Support LGBT activists and organizations financially or with any contribution to their activities that is within your power.

“A world in which there will no longer be a need to fight for our rights will definitely come. We can bring this moment closer by doing what we can. Every contribution is important!” says Andrei, an LGBT activist from Belarus.

At ECOM, we encourage everyone to celebrate Pride Month with pride and confidence. Let our voices be heard loudly in the streets, squares and online spaces. Together we can create a more inclusive and fair world for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

“My journey in activism has been difficult and thorny, but at the same time fascinating and inspiring. I'm sure there are still many wonderful things ahead. Let’s change the world for the better together!” urges Diana Aliyeva, trans activist, Executive Director of the Trans Coalition, member of the ECOM Steering Committee.


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