The Eurasian Coalition on Male Health introduces the Integrated Training Module on educating the experts of public, LGBT and HIV-services organizations about the methods of tackling stigma and discrimination based on SOGI attributes.
The given module provides the description for creating a sustainable system of tackling the manifestations of stigma and discrimination in relation to gays, other MSM, and trans people in the field of healthcare, particularly in the area of HIV-services.
Two eighteen-academic-hour-long days will present their participants with baseline information on stigma and discrimination and their manifestations in the field of healthcare; will acquaint them with the main principles of documenting cases of stigma and discrimination manifestations and rights violations in the field of healthcare, particularly in the area of HIV-services; will discuss the methodology of utilizing such cases as advocacy instruments and will help them develop the necessary skills to defend the rights and interests of gays, other MSM, and trans people.
The Module contains all the necessary auxiliary materials - from the training programme to the after-training questionnaire, - that are required to conduct the training
There is a separate advantage to the Training Module offered by ECOM, and it is in the form of presentations that each and every organization may adapt to their own training.
The Module was tested and endorsed by ECOM’s team of trainers during the organization and delivery of a training for managers of the “Together For Our Rights” project. Materials developed for the “Trainer School ‘Tolerance and Non-discrimination,’” which was carried out by ACO “Life Initiative” (Ukraine, 2016), those developed by PO “Kyrgyz-Indigo” (Kyrgyzstan), as well as video-materials that are publicly available were partially used during that training.
The Training Module may be of use to likewise experienced and novice trainers and activists. It may be used readily on its own, as well as it may be adapted, depending on the goals, activities, duration, and target audience.
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