
ECOM Holds a Meeting of the Regional Working Group of Trans* People

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In August, a meeting of the Regional Working Group of Trans* People was held, which was organized with the financial and technical support of the “Trans*Map in EECA” project.

The Working Group of Trans* People (RGT) on HIV and Sexual Health in Eastern Europe and Central Asia aims to strengthen the participation of the trans* community in the response to the HIV epidemic in the EECA region. The RGT includes representatives of the trans* community, both individual members of ECOM and representatives of ECOM’s collective members, as well as partners of the coalition.

As part of the meeting of the Working Group of Trans* People, a review and analysis of existing work plans was carried out, as well as a discussion of existing and new challenges, including those related to the war in Ukraine. During the meeting, the participants also developed a new work plan for 2022-2023, taking into account the new realities. The work plan emphasizes what exactly the RGT can do as part of its activities, and what tasks specific members of the group can take on. In addition, the participants also managed to update the existing documents regulating the activities of the working group.

In addition, even earlier, ECOM and the Working Group of Trans* People initiated the development of a documentary film about how the war in Ukraine has affected trans* people in EECA countries. As part of this meeting, several members of the RGT were interviewed for the film.

In total, 8 members of the RGT took part in the event, including activists from Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine.


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