
I Have the Right to Control my Body: Human Rights Day 2022

Декабрь 10, 2022
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Every person has the right to be himself/herself/themselves. Against the backdrop of the World War II horrors, the world unanimously subscribed to these words, which were reflected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on December 10, 1948. This epochal document proclaimed the inalienable rights which everyone is inherently entitled to as a human being, regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

And today, ECOM brought together human rights defenders from the SHAG consortium of organizations representing the EECA region, Latin America, West and Central Africa, and the Middle East and North Africa to create a video dedicated to Human Rights Day in 2022. Its central theme was bodily autonomy, the fundamental idea that every person has the right to control their own body.

For decades, hundreds of organizations and initiatives around the world have been working to bring closer the moment when the declaration from more than 70 years ago will become a reality for as many people on the planet as possible. However, we all continue to live in a world where appearance might become a pretext for physical or sexual abuse, where gender markers assigned to us at birth determine our role in society, and where war can take our home regardless of our social status or any other features or characteristics.

ECOM celebrates International Human Rights Day together with its partners and declares its commitment to ensure that all gays, other MSM and trans* people in the EECA region have the opportunity to fully enjoy all their rights and freedoms. We are rapidly responding to the challenges faced by gay, bisexual and trans* people who found themselves in a particularly vulnerable situation amid the events of the past year, and we actively support the work of our partners from LGBT and trans* organizations and initiatives in 19 countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

“For more than 6 years, ECOM has been systematically working to protect the rights of LGBT people. One of our focuses remains the promotion of anti-discrimination legislation in all EECA countries, the investigation of crimes motivated by homophobia and transphobia, as well as the prevention of hate speech. We sincerely believe that equality and observance of human rights for everyone will become a generally accepted norm in all countries of our region,” says Yuri Yoursky, ECOM Human Rights Coordinator.

ECOM also regularly monitors the situation in the EECA countries, analyzing legislation and collecting cases of human rights violations. If you belong to the LGBT community and are in need of legal support, you can find the contacts of friendly specialists in your country using our database of legal services providers and legal resources.

Human rights are always important!


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