
Vitaly Djuma Takes Part in Global Fund Board Meeting

Декабрь 02, 2022
Логотип ECOM для новостей
Vitaly Djuma, Executive Director of ECOM, spoke about the 48th meeting of the Global Fund Board, in which he participated as a Board Alternate Member from the Developed Country NGO Delegation.

On November 15–17, 2022, the 48th Board meeting of the Global Fund (GF) to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria was held in Geneva. At this meeting, the Board approved the largest investment in the Fund's history to support the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria and strengthen health systems.

On November 29, during the webinar, Vitaly, together with his colleagues, gave a speech to the civil sector representatives of the EECA region and spoke about the main decisions taken during the meeting of the GF Board and their possible consequences for the countries in the region.

The Global Fund raised a record $15.7 billion for the next three years. This means that programs to combat HIV, tuberculosis and malaria in countries around the world will continue to receive financial support from it.

One of the main subjects raised during the Board meeting of the Global Fund is including communities in the Fund's working processes.

The Global Fund will particularly focus on including communities in its processes. The Board has approved a monitoring and evaluation system that will, among other things, track how the Secretariat and countries are delivering on their commitments to strengthen the role of civil society.

“The Global Fund's new strategy puts communities in the center of all processes. One of the innovations is the introduction of a key performance indicator for community participation. How will they check performance? An assessment will be made of how the Global Fund partnership delivers on its commitment to engage communities and civil society in local processes. For this, a performance indicator has been developed — 'the community's satisfaction with the level of their involvement in the processes during the entire GF funding cycle,'” explained Vitaly Djuma, Board Alternate Member from the Developed Country NGO Delegation and Executive Director of ECOM.

How the Global Fund will ensure the communities' engagement:
  1. By implementing minimum expectations of community involvement in Global Fund grant implementation processes and adapting processes.
  2. Addressing gaps in CCM (Country Coordinating Mechanism for HIV) representation, engagement and transparency through regular review of membership and support for elections.
  3. Developing theCommunity Engagement Strategic Initiative to expand country-level support to criminalized, marginalized, isolated and most vulnerable groups.
  4. Strengthening coordination and agreement with partners, including community stakeholders.
  5. Introducing community engagement KPIs and regular community-led assessments.


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